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Head Up

Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

Sekolah Menengah Atas

"Big gang of friends, mini uniforms, silly fight, friendly teacher, group photos, combined study, rocking annual days, group discussion on anything and nothing, so many hands in a single lunch box, remarkable marks, terror report cards, self parents signature, justified mistakes, lovable tours, sleep in the middle of class, boring presentation, climb the school wall, toilet better than class, sick to skip class, nickname.... SCHOOL."

Ini beberapa foto selama SMA, sedih dikit sih liat nya heheheh

Huff, yaaaa seperti tadi, life must go on, inget - inget, cari temen nanti nggak akan segampang waktu lo SMA, ngamprah tinggal pilih mau temen kayak apa yang cocok buat lo:D

"No matter how much you think you hate school, you'll always miss it when you leave." -tumblr


Dari Januari 2009.........
Ga nyangka bakal selama ini:")

Jadi dari kemaren ada yg ask minta pap puberty pacaran sm iky wkk palingan temen gue sih yang ask.... Ini dia fotonya!!

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Gue bikin baru lagi nih guys

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Gak apa - apa kan? Gpp dong!
